Sunday, 9 June 2013

Curiosity and my other blog!

Good morning!
I am posting on here - which I haven't done for some time out of a deepening curiosity about two questions. One - what draws people to still check in with this blog as I rarely update it now? Secondly why is Poland still the biggest readership? I am in competition with myself too as this Cinderella blog usually does more daily pageviews than my current blog - which niggles my current blog! (get over it I say!)

I have to admit that I am having much the same reaction to this competition as I do to past pieces of made theatre. Namely when I am in the throws of making a new work - I believe its the best I have ever done, indeed I am passionately in love with it. Until I am not. And then I disregard it and bugger off to the next focus of my artistic and creative attention! Sorry - that sounds so harsh and callous - and I guess it is really. Don't get me wrong I look back on this blog and the whole experience of making Cinderella with huge love and affection and a good degree of nostalgia. But its done for me - and it was great, excellent even, but supremely flawed and human too as ever. Like me I guess. So why is that each time I start afresh with a new production I still have the innocent belief that this will be the magic one - the perfect one? - mmm
guess that's the mystery and the beauty of it all. Maybe I won't even attempt to answer that one.

But hey - if you are one of the many page viewers, especially those of you from my soul land Poland - why don't you pop next door and visit me at my current blog - you would be most welcome. I'll even put the kettle on!

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