Tuesday 18 December 2012

Alison Jacobson - Costume Maker: Production Team : Blog 2

I have just bought tickets so I can take my family to see the show and I can't believe just how excited I feel. My husband and I are no longer in our first flush of youth and our kids are in their twenties so what's the excitement about?

It's about my being part of something that has taken me on a personal journey and has also resulted in a shared joyful success. Carole Pluckrose, Team Cinderella's esteemed director, not only took on a theatre genre that she hadn't tackled before but happily recruited several other Panto novices and indeed some complete theatrical novices too. I count myself as one of the latter.

I can make clothes and had tentatively taken up a new retirement career as a theatrical costume maker. I had done the odd job helping with a few alterations and making some very simple costumes here and there. Then I rather rashly applied for a 'proper job'. Okay in my mind it would only involve finishing off some costumes for a Panto because the 'proper' costume maker had to leave the job a bit early. Little did I know that the costume making task for the show was so enormous that when my costume guru left (and took some of our work with her to continue at her new job!) there would still be plenty for me to do that required much more responsibility than I felt I could muster.

I needn't have worried. Team Cinderella has been a true TEAM! I have felt so supported, encouraged and appreciated and treated with such patience that my confidence has grown a lot. And yes, with Zoe Baron (costume maker number one) always being at the end of the phone, Ian Teague (designer) guiding me and with lots of help from Laura Garner, (assistant stage manager and wardrobe) and Gergana Kozhuharova (design student) we did manage to get the costumes finished in time, just! I remember one dress rehearsal started with no sleeves on Cinder's rag dress and ended with them sewn on.

I can't wait for my family to see the magical on-stage transformation. I so want to share my fun with them!

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