Wednesday 5 December 2012

Snow, Excited Children and an Immense Feeling of Pride: Parent Blog 2: Donna Kelynack

I am thrilled to introduce our second Parent Blogger, Donna Kelynack Mouse Mummy and one of our brilliant Parents without whose support this panto would not be possible. I hope that Donna gets the blog bug as I have and will become a regular Guest Blogger over the next few weeks.Carole

As I sit down at the end of another long day at work, I feel compelled to write my very first blog!  

Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Donna and I am the mum of Ella (Brie the mouse, Team One). I am also a primary school teacher at a school in Barking.

On waking up this morning, my first thought (after is it morning already?) was I need to get organised as Ella is off to panto today! My second thought was I need to get to work as my class along with two hundred and ten other children from my school are going to the panto today and my third thought was SNOW!!!

So after a hectic morning making sure Ella had her hair firmly in a french plait, enough food in her lunchbox, modern shoes, special teddy and mouse drawing (retrieved from under her pillow) and packed in her bag, her little sister dragged in from dancing around in pyjamas and snow boots in the garden and sorted ready for school, I set of in the snow to work.

Once at work ( after a slightly more stressful drive than normal, negotiating the snow), after checking all the risk assessments and consent forms for the trip, making sure the first aid bag was packed along with all the various asthma pumps and epipens, the buzzer went and in came a very excited throng of children.  

There was a buzz of excitement in the school. Pantomime day is a day that the whole school, children and teachers alike, look forward to all year! From a teachers point of view, there are no lengthy lesson plans to prepare or assessments to complete. Its a chance to enjoy spending time with your class away from school! From a childs point of view its a chance to go to the theatre (many have never been before) and to be allowed, encouraged even, to shout out and be as loud as they like!!

So after each child had dutifully pointed out to me that it was snowing outside and that we were going to the pantomime today, we managed to do the register, visit the toilet and get ourselves lined up for the coach.

On arrival at the theatre the children excitedly took their seats and I sat back and looked at their happy faces.I could feel the anticiption and enthusiasm oozing from each and every one of them. I  have to admit that this time I was feeling a little more excited than usual (and maybe a little nervous too) due to the fact that not only was I here with my class, but my own little mouse would be dancing on the stage for them and all my work colleagues! A proud mummy moment for me!

The lights dimmed.The children's excitement reached fever pitch and the show began! It was wonderful to watch their faces as they became immersed in another world. I could see in their expressions that they were loving every single second!! Yes they thoroughly enjoyed the splosh scene, the ugly sisters chasing Buttons, booing loudly at Rubella and all the other hillarious parts of the show, but what really got me was the way they were totally in awe at the transformation of Cinderella! 

As the chorus were singing We Believe, I looked around at my class and I realised, they believe too!!! Priceless!

To sum up I would like to say that although our annual school trip to the panto at the Broadway is always a magical experience, but this year has been even more special for me. I feel I have seen this pantomime grow and develop and it has become a huge part of our lives over the last four months. Ella, has absolutely loved every single second of her experience so far and watching her on stage today I could see the enjoyment oozing from her as she performed! I am so happy she is enjoying her experience, it makes all the hard work worthwhile.

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